Friday, January 20, 2006

January 20th People Reflection

Friday 1/20/2006

Luke 15-that’s the kind of party God’s angels throw every time one lost soul turns to God

Genesis 27.1-45-May God give you of Heaven’s dew…

Psalm 20-That clinches it-help’s coming, an answer on the way, everything’s going to work out.

Jonah 3.1-5, 10-They believed God’s message…

Ephesians 2.1-10-but God loved us so much he made us alive with Christ, and God’s wonderful kindness is what saves you.

Psalm 33.1-11-But what the LORD has planned will stand forever.

"You forgot to take the data."- Data for vibration analysis. The measurements weren’t taken. In all the hustle of setting up the route the reality of the data was forgotten. Sometimes I wonder if I forget God in my life- forget the most important thing in life- get so much in a hurry – so focused on things I need to get done or things I need to do that I forget the most important thing- God is present with me- God takes care of me- turn to God and a party will be thrown by come angels- turn to God and maybe God will decide to give you the miracle of Heaven’s dew- that sweet water of baptism and salvation- that provides life for my spirit- real life- that clinches it- that makes life real- not just some big run around after things – but love of God- God loves me so much he wants me to be alive with Christ- not to forget Christ in my own selfish ambition- it is God’s wonderful kindness that saves me- not my own work that I do- and what God has planned will stand forever- not what Bill plans- so, I gotta step back when I forget to take the data- look at what is important- stop and listen and feel Jesus presence and follow him—"You forgot to take the data." – Stop and take the data- it is salvation and joy and peace and love.

Prayer-Lord, stop me today when I need to stop and send me to take the data. -- Amen

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