Monday, January 23, 2006

January 23rd People Reflection

Monday 1/23/2006

Luke 18.1-17-Unless you accept God’s kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you’ll never get in.

Genesis 29.31-30.43-God took my side and vindicated me.

Psalm 23-I’m back home in the house of GOD for the rest of my life.

Luke 21.10-19-But don’t worry! You will be saved by being faithful to me.

John 1.9-14-He came into his won world…

Psalm 65-Wherever you footsteps touch the earth, a rich harvest is gathered.

"I have three questions for you."- It really turned out to be many more questions than three. We all have questions – but sometimes we don’t really get answers—or even if we do – then we have more questions. Children have questions all the time. I think that’s what God wants me to do too- accept the kingdom in the simplicity of a child- have some questions- then some more questions after I get a few answers- but always be curious- always be seeking more and more of God- the more God I see- the more God I seek- just like a child. And like a child I can be home with God all my life- I never have to go out on my own- a child of God forever- under his love and care- watching the one I adore- marveling at how his footstep touch the earth wherever he walks and changes it all to a harvest of wonderful flowers of grace and love- Cause as far as this child can tell- God came to me- God caused me to be- and God takes my side all my life and loves and protects me- I will be faithful to my Daddy. "I have three questions for you." – Yea- and that’s just a start.

Prayer-Lord, let me stay by your side- looking up to you- asking questions and listening to your answers. I have a few questions for you. -- Amen

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