Monday, March 21, 2005

March 16th Reflection

Wednesday 3/16/2005

Matthew 16 - The Jewish leaders wanted Jesus to give them some sign that he was from God - today we look for signs that Jesus is real - and that there is a God- but it’s right there in my face - just wake up - Jesus is all over the place - no doubt he is real - then Jesus tells his disciples to watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees -- well the disciples thought he was talking about bread - because they had forgot to bring some bread just then - but that wasn’t it - he was talking about getting all tied up with obeying rules - procedures and the religious activities that we miss the point- salvation frees us to serve in God’s kingdom through Jesus- So just who is Jesus? - that was the next big question- like - who are you? - well Jesus is all over the place today - especially in others- and it’s wonderful to recognize this and love this- but Peter nails it here - Jesus is the Messiah- the Savoir of the world- then Jesus reveals what he will have to go through to save everyone- suffering-pain-death and resurrection - they didn’t get it - many don’t get it today -but it’s my duty to tell people about all that - and I want to-- and Jesus drives the whole point home- If you want to save your own life- I must give it up - give it to Jesus- in this I will find my life- I will become alive in joy - because then I can forget about myself- and the gods I make and focus my life on response to what Jesus has already done- it’s all about God -- there it is again - death to life - living inside out

Numbers 1-2 - So God wants a count taken - he also arranges the people around the tabernacle-- God is in the center of them physically and spiritually - I must keep God at my center and focused there on God not myself

Ecclesiastes 3.1-15 - Takes me back to the sixties -- but reminds me of opposites and the recent theme of death to life-- None of us can fully understand all God does - but God has done all this, so that we will worship him- life is a gift from God - be happy with it and praise God

Change me Lord-from death to life- let me see your grace and respond in love and joy forever

God gives life even to dry bones- Receive this gift and live for God

It’s not just eating and drinking - but also the Words given and shed for you for the remission of sins -given-shed-forgiveness- it wasn’t easy - rejoice in God’s love!

Psalm 31.9-16 - I am broken - but I trust in God- let your face shine on me Lord

Exodus 1.6-14 - Joseph died- but his family lived on - the Israelites grew - death to life - but the Israelites were made slaves in Egypt -- but God working through Moses was able to release them in freedom - death to life

Psalm 71.12-24 - Praise God -proclaim what he has done- tell my story of God active in my life

Prayer- Lord - you are the bread of life- you take away the yeast needed to earn my way into heaven - I can’t do that- only through you - through your sacrifice - through your suffering - through your shed blood - through your death and then your resurrection - you forgive me - you take that yeast of earning salvation away - cause that yeast will rise up and swell mightily in your church not because of what we do - but because of what you have done - your church now has this yeast and is swelling and growing and praising you till time is not longer counted- it’s all about you - be at my center but work through me today - from the inside out - shine brightly through me to the world you send me into - I am your. -- Amen

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