Friday, March 04, 2005

March 4th Reflection

Friday 3-4-2005

Matthew 10.1-25 - The twelve apostles now - not disciple -who are learning -- the apostles are those sent out with a mission-- they are sent to heal and teach the Israelites this time - some will reject them - walk away - some will listen - they are to not take anything but to trust in God to provide for them in faith.

Leviticus 7-8 - OK-more sacrifices -- then the ordination ceremony of Aaron and the priests -- I find all the blood scattering interesting - they throw it around then pour it a the base of that altar -- even put it on the ear lobes and toes of the priests -- I see a dead animal -- then that animal’s blood being moved from something dead - to the site of the altar of God - something alive -- dead to alive -- separated by the blood of the sacrifice -- that’s what Jesus is for me -- I am dead -- Jesus gives life -- I move from death to life by the blood of the sacrifice-Jesus -- Jesus blood is what brings me from death to life- hmmm!

Proverbs 22 - Respect and serve the LORD!

Let me drink- let me bathe - let me feel that ever-flowing water from the Rock wash over me in Jesus love and forgiveness. Restore me and send me.

God has invited me to a party. I should have been rejected- but God’s love is so deep he accepts me and my sin - forgives me and throws a party! - I will run to God’s arms for a hug.

Let me do your will-keep me strong in your faith and firm in your Word

1 Samuel 16.1-13 - God chooses who he wants to serve- He doesn’t look at outward appearance - but the LORD looks on the heart.

Exodus 23.19-26 - God will protect me - even with angels before me-listen and follow God’s lead

Psalm 35 - God - I’m in a battle! -- Protect me - rescue me - save me!

“God cleans us from the inside out as He comes to us in His Word and Sacraments.” - Portals of Prayer - Friday, March 4

Prayer - Lord - you teach - you heal - and you send- you send me out to tell of your saving grace and love - to tell others to turn to you and receive salvation - salvation that will bring us from death to everlasting life through the blood you shed on that cross years ago - through the great pain you suffered as our sacrifice -- knowing all this I am assured that you are with me in the battles of life- you are with me to rescue me and save me and protect me - I place all my trust and hope in you alone -- You are my partner in this battle of life -- and you have graciously brought me from death to life through your blood and wash me with that gushing eternal and cleansing water of baptism- calling me to be an apostle today. Let’s mount up and ride out into battle and save a few! I’m pumped and ready! --- Amen

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