Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Re: March 2nd Reflection

I was behind in reading of Matthew and found out last night that I got stuck on the same thing I do every time I read this. The people are asking why Jesus doesn't fast. I get his answer about feasting with the bridegroom. But the part about the patch and the wineskins escapes me. I understand what happens when new wine is put in old wineskins and what happens when a new patch is put on old wineskins but what does this have to do with fasting????!!!! If I ask the question, "What does it have to do with Jesus?", I start coming up with something: Like, there is new life in Jesus and the old ways won't work anymore...Hey, that's it!!!! - the old ways - the Law is no longer the answer. Follow Jesus - do what he does, do what he says. There is freedom and forgiveness. No need to fast when he's around. hmmm. Does this mean there is no need to fast at all? for anything now? Cause He's still around... Thanks, for listening in on that process - I couldn't get anything last night...I feel better now..maybe THAT is why I couldn't get back to sleep!
----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Lynch
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 5:22 AM
Subject: March 2nd Reflection

Wednesday 3/2/2005

Matthew 9.1-17 - I like how Jesus is with the people - he heals them - forgives them and just grates the religious leaders because he is down here with the people- when he calls Matthew to be a disciple - he goes and has dinner with Matthew and other sinners - right in their midst - Jesus comes to me where I am - in my own filth - he comes right in and makes himself at home and then saves me from my sinfulness - how much more could I ever want or need - I think I’ll follow too!

Leviticus 3-4 - Offerings for the forgiveness of sins -- the process -- Bring something to God - Give up what you have to offer - like my life - Put your word or blood into it - splatter it all over the altar - cut the pieces up - give your life completely to God and burn it - it pleases God -- so I come to God - ask for forgiveness- give him my life -all of it - the good and the bad- open it all up - all the pieces of my life to God and let er burn for God cause I love him - all the good parts of my life belong just to God -- like the fat of the animal -- that’s his -- so the fat of my life is all God’s -- my very blood with the life in it is God’s -I’m all his!

Proverbs 20 - It isn’t smart to get drunk! - Can any of us really say , “My thoughts are pure, and my sins are gone?” - Trust the LORD, and he will help you

How will I respond to God’s awesome gift of salvation -- I will rejoice and join in the party!

Let me drink- let me bathe - let me feel that ever-flowing water from the Rock wash over me in Jesus love and forgiveness. Restore me and send me.

Pray to God with complete confidence - just as children speak to a loving parent.

Live in harmony with the truth and purity of God’s Word

John 8.12-20-Jesus is the light of the world - I won’t walk in darkness as long as I follow him

Exodus 12.14-17 - This day shall be a day of remembrance for you. You shall celebrate it as a festival to the LORD -- you have come out of the wilderness and into the upper meadow - feel the presence of Jesus with you - it is a new beginning!

Psalm 119.137-146 - With my whole heart I cry; answer me, O LORD.- I cry to you; save me…I rise before dawn and cry for help; I put my hope in your words.

Prayer - Jesus- you come to me and the people I live with - you come in our midst - you sit at our table- you join into our lives- you feel right along with us the pain we experience in life- yet you still stay - you don’t run off - you don’t give some nice advice and leave- you stay with us- be with me and my friends this day - guide each of us through the pain and turn it all into the joy and happiness and forgiveness you have gracefully granted -- let our battles be fun - let our work be fulfilling - let our searching be a journey of joy. Receive the sacrifices we offer of our lives- our blood- our parts and please forgive my sin. With this there is celebration and joy -- I love living with you! -- what greater person can I have by my side? -- none! -- Let me see you in all my friends this day - let me see you in the hidden places and be surprised by your presence. -- Amen

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