Friday, October 26, 2007

October 26th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer

Hymn of the Day
Spread, oh, spread, almighty Word, spread the reign of God the Lord. Send forth our Creator's call, heaven's gifts extend to all. ("Spread, Oh, Spread, Almighty Word" - Text: Jonathan F. Bahnmaier, 1774-1841; tr. Lutheran Book of Worship, alt.)
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Readings of the Day
1 Thessalonians 5-The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Isaiah 23-24-He said, "You shall exult no more..."
Psalm 116-Then I called upon the name of the LORD: "O LORD, I beseech You, save my life!"
2 Timothy 3.10-15-You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writing which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
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God's Word of the Day
I have extended grace to you. I have saved you. Learn from Me and spread My Word.
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Psalm of the Day
You have spread Your Word into my world.
You came to me in flesh and blood and entered my life.
You covered me with Your grace and spread Your Word of Life over and in me.
I exalt only You, my Lord and Savior.
I leave behind my selfish pride and haughty nature.
I abandon my arrogant ego and seek Your presence.
I humble myself before You and beseech You to save my life.

You teach me and show me how to continue in life.
To continue on in the ways You have taught me.
You open Your Word to me and show me salvation.
You reveal Your Wisdom that leads to salvation.
Build my faith and teach me compassion and love.
Lead me forth in active duty to love others.
You have spread Your Word into my world.
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Prayer of the Day
Forgive my ego, forgive my pride, I am humble in Your presence and seek salvation. Teach me and show me the way You have planned for me. Lead and guide me day to day. I go out now in Your Love to the world You have shown me. I go into the world with Your Word covering me that I may proclaim Your glory. ---Amen

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