Sunday, June 18, 2006

June 18th Daily Word and Visions from God

June 18th Daily Word and Visions from God
Mark 4.1-20-"Are you listening to this? Really listening?"

2 Samuel 9-10-Don't be frightened.

Daniel 5-There is a man in your kingdom who is full of the divine Holy Spirit.

Tobit 4.3-19-At all times bless the LORD God, and ask him that your ways may be made straight and that all your paths and plans may prosper.

Mark 4.26-34-But when he was alone with his disciples, he explained everything to them.

John 11.1-46-But your heavenly Father is even more ready to give the Holy Spirit to anyone who asks.

Psalm 6-Show your wonderful love and save me, LORD.

A young bunny rabbit in my front yard. He comes and goes. Mostly he goes. Seems to be frightened all the time. But with some ears like that, I'm sure he knows how to listen. Listen for anything and everything. But it seems to me, he mostly listens for things that scare him. I think sometimes I'm like that too. Only listening for those things that scare me. Instead I need to listen for the voice of God. Listen for his direction and be bold, not afraid. Listen and act. Listen to Jesus explain his Word so that I know how it fits in my life. So that I know how to act in ways that Jesus wants me to act. Do the things that Jesus wants me to do. Receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and act them out in love towards God and others. And that's what I think those rabbit ears seem to be speaking to me. Listen!

Lord as I worship you help me to listen and hear your Word-follow your call-and not be afraid to act in your love. -- Amen

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