Thursday, June 01, 2006

June 1st Daily Word and Visions From God

Romans 7-Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn?t that the real question? The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does.
1 Samuel 16-Fill your flask with anointing oil and get going?.Samuel took his flask of oil and anointed him, with his brothers standing around watching. The Spirit of God entered David like a rush of wind, God vitally empowering him for the rest of his life.
Psalm 61-You?ve always given me breathing room, a place to get away from it all, A lifetime pass to your safe-house, an open invitation as your guest. You?ve always taken me seriously, God, made me welcome among those who know and love you.
Psalm 104.24-34, 35b-Our LORD, by your wisdom you made so many things; the whole earth is covered with your living creatures.
Hebrews 11.1-6-Because of our faith, we know that the world was made at God?s command.
Psalm 121-The LORD will protect you now and always wherever you go.
An early childhood dream of mine was that I had heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door, standing there were Jesus, Moses and another person that I can only describe as some friend of mine. Jesus wanted to know if I would come out and play. And I did. I think my life has been an invitation to play in Jesus Kingdom with him. Playing the games of life. It?s Jesus that does everything for me in my life. Brings me all the joy and happiness any child can expect. It?s Jesus that anoints me with the oil of my baptism and fills me with the rush of wind that empowers me for life. It?s through Jesus that I get all the breathing room of a vast wide world to play in. A life-time of play in his Kingdom. A life-time of love in play and joy. A because of Jesus I have faith and see the world he has created in all it?s glory. It?s Jesus with me when I fall down and bruise myself. Twist my ankle in pain. It?s Jesus that is there with me. And it?s also a friend playing along side. Day after day. Fellowship with my Lord and his servants and friends. It?s Jesus that protects me wherever we go. So this year I invite you to be that special friend. Let?s take the invitation from Jesus. Billy is ready to go out and play. How about you my friend?
Jesus, I?m ready to open the door of life and play in your Kingdom. Thanks for coming to my house. -- Amen

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