Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March 11th Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer

Hymn of the Day
Longing for light, we wait in darkness. Longing for truth, we turn to you. Make us your own, your holy people, light for the world to see. Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your church gathered today. ("Christ, Be Our Light" - Text:Bernadette Farrell, b. 1957)

Readings of the Day
Matthew 13.24-58-Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.
Leviticus 19-You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against any of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD.
Proverbs 29-A person's pride will bring humiliation, but one who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor.
2 Kings 4.18-37-He got down, walked once to and fro in the room, then got up again and bent over him; the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes.

God's Word of the Day
My Light is the way that brings life. Give your life to me and you will begin to live. Your response will be to listen and follow and serve and love. Believe, trust and give your life for Life.

Psalm of the Day
Lay it on me, Lord.
Bring forth that holy sneeze.
Bring forth that new breath of life.
Draw me out of death to myself to life in You.
Humble before You, I wait for Your Breath.
You are the Light that shines in the darkness.
You are the Light I follow.
You are the Light I focus my life on.
I sell my life for You.
I gladly sell it all.
You are my Pearl of Love.

Prayer of the Day
I believe, I trust, I give my life to You. Use me this day as You will ---Amen

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