Sunday, March 02, 2008

March 2nd Daily Hymn, Readings, Word, Psalm and Prayer

Hymn of the Day
All glory laud, and honor to you, redeemer, king, to whom the lips of children made sweet hosannas ring. You are the king of Israel and David's royal Son, now in the Lord's name coming, our King and Blessed One. All glory laud, and honor to you, redeemer, king, to whom the lips of children made sweet hosannas ring. ("All glory, Laud, and Honor" - Text:Theodulph of Orleands, c. 760-821; tr. John Mason Neale, 1818-1855, alt.)

Readings of the Day
Matthew 9.1-17-Go and learn what this means, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice."
Leviticus 3-4-Thus the priest shall make atonement on your behalf for the sin that you have committed, and you shall be forgiven.
Proverbs 20-The human spirit is the lamp of the LORD, searching every inmost part.
John 9.1-41-One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.

God's Word of the Day
I am light. I give the Light of the World to let you see. Go, forgiven and in the Light to My children and have compassion and love for them.

Psalm of the Day
I marvel at Your humble coming into my world.
You stoop down into my world and draw close to me.
A King, yet a friend.
A Savior, yet a servant.
You have opened the eyes of my heart to Your Light.
You pour love and compassion into my soul.
You come to me and hear my prayer.
You come and forgive me through merciful sacrifice.
Sacrifice of Your own flesh.
You suffer and die on account of me.
Love so deep. Love so kind.
Compassion from the gut. Compassion from the soul.
All glory laud and honor to You my King!
All glory laud and honor to You my Redeemer!

Prayer of the Day
I ponder Your love and compassion. How many people You have touched. I ponder how many people You have healed. I ponder Your mercy. I ponder Your sacrifice. I ponder... I give You all the glory, honor and praise, my Redeemer, my King, my Friend. ---Amen

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